My site is now deployed with AWS CI/CD

This is a test post of my new deployment. I have implemented AWS CodeCommit for storing the site files and to utilize source control. CodeBuild to build out the Hugo files and publishing to S3. Then having CodePipeline to trigger the build, when it detects a change from CodeCommit. Update 1: After messing around with the buuildspec.yml file, I was able to get CodeBuild and CodePipeline to complete a build successfully. [Read More]
AWS  DevOps 

Rackspace AWS Cloud Engineer

I’m now officially part of the Rackspace team. I’ll be working there as an AWS Cloud Engineer. I’m excited to pursue my passion in working with AWS and working at Rackspace.


Ansible With AWS

I completed the Ansible and Amazon Web Services course on Linux Academy. Here is the link for my Ansible Certificate - Certificate About Ansible: It uses ‘playbooks’ to deploy, manage, build, test and configure anything from full server environments to websites to custom compiled source code for applications. It brings together aspects of environment management that have been traditionally separate and managed independently. With Ansible, you can control server deployment configuration, making everything consistent. [Read More]
Ansible  AWS 

My Site Is Now Serverless

This site is being rendered by Hugo ( Which is a static site generator. I’m now using AWS S3 to serve this site. I’m also using CloudFront with SSL for the CDN and Route 53 for DNS management.

AWS  S3 


I’ve been going over CloudFormation. Some of the benefits are: Allows you to create and provision resources in a reusable template fashion Turns your resources into stacks that work as units Allows you to source control your infrastructure Below are a some templates that I tested on. A VPC with an EC2 instance: Description: VPC Resources: myVPC: Type: AWS::EC2::VPC Properties: CidrBlock: EnableDnsSupport: 'true' EnableDnsHostnames: 'true' InstanceTenancy: dedicated Tags: - Key: Network Value: Public mySubnet: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: Ref: myVPC CidrBlock: 10. [Read More]

Passed the AWS Solutions Architect Exam

Today I officially passed the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate  exam. I’m excited that I’m now certified in AWS. I will continue to build off this, by learning additional tools.

Here is the link for my AWS certificate


Created My First Custom Alexa Skill

The first skill I created was a fact skill. When I ask my Alexa to open, my daughters name. It will verbally give out a random fact about my daughter, who is currently 4 years old. She was amazed that the Echo knew things about her. Using the Lambda service. I was able to modify the existing Alexa skill blueprint. Allowing me to create a custom Alexa skill. Since, this was my first time creating a skill. [Read More]
AWS  Alexa  Lambda